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Building Systemic Solutions Where People and Knowledge Meet


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Boston-Area FileMaker Developers Association (BAFDA)


Who We Are

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Who We Are


Kevin Cunningham graduated from MIT in 1984 (B.S. in Psychology and Literature) and the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1995 (M.Ed., focused on Adult Education). Kevin worked for BBN Software Products in the 80's, moving from intern to Senior Technical Writer. He joined MIT's Project Athena in 1988 as a Senior Technical Writer, but quickly became a contributor in a variety of areas, including documentation, training, system and application programming, customer help, and organizational reengineering. In the early 90's, after Athena merged with MIT Information Systems, Kevin helped champion the World Wide Web at MIT, co-creating MIT's first official home page, and creating MIT's Web Publishing curriculum and training thousands of community members in the then-new technology. In the late 90's, Kevin used FileMaker Pro to create two fundamental workflow systems for MIT Information Systems: a training registration system eventually used by the entire MIT community, and a software information system that allowed diverse computer support professionals to contribute their expertise to a central repository. Having built these two large database-backed web systems, Kevin turned his FileMaker/web expertise to the service of the wider MIT community, building or revising workflow systems (contact management, student records, facility tracking, surveys, etc.) for a variety of Institute clients pro bono. In 2004, Kevin began to use these skills full-time in his own FileMaker consultancy. He founded the Boston-Area FileMaker Developer Association (BAFDA) in October 2004 (he still facilitates the group), and was a featured speaker at FileMaker DevCon 2005 and 2010, where he gave two presentations each. He is a multiple-certified FileMaker developer (7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19).


KCunning Consulting also maintains close alliances with other FileMaker developers in the Boston area, among others:

We also work closely with the Boston-Area FileMaker Developers Association.

 •  Belmont, MA  •  (617) 229-5081  •